①2日13:00~14:00 厄除開運 節分会 星まつり
②15日13:00~ 大師講
③15日14:00~ 釈尊涅槃会(しゃくそんねはんえ)
④18日13:00~ 観音護摩供法要
⑤28日13:00~ 不動尊護摩供法要
なお、2月6日~11日まで #旭川冬まつり が常磐公園(眞久寺から徒歩約5分)で開催されます。
今年の自衛隊による#大雪像 では、今夏に旭川で開催される「あさひかわ菓子博」のマスコットキャラクターのシマエ大福が登場するようです。
February schedule:
①2nd – Setsubun-e and Hoshimatsuri
We throw packaged beans.
Mochi (rice cake) will be handed out individually.
We kindly ask for your cooperation in pre-application for Kigan-fuda(the board written wishes on it), receipt by mail, postal transfer, and cash remittance.
②15th 1:00pm– Kobo Daishi's anniversary
Goeika starts at 1:00pm at the Kongoukaku hall.
"Goeika" is a Buddhist pilgrim's hymn.
③15th 2:00pm– Shakuson-nehan-e
The priests recites a special sutra, decorating the Nehan-zu(the picture depicting the end of the Buddha).
④18th – the Kannon Goma rite
The rite starts at 1:00 pm in the Rokkakudo hall.
Goma is a Ritual that priests burn small pieces of wooden board, on which your wishes are written, in order to pray our deities for the fulfillment of them.
⑤28th – the Fudo-Myo-oh Goma rite
The Goma rite starts at 1:00 pm in the main hall.
Everyone is welcome to join the rite.