眞久寺では16日(金)13時より、本堂にて盂蘭盆会 お施餓鬼法要を行います。
On the 16th, we start "Urabon-e Osegaki" at 1:00p.m. at the main hall.
"Urabon-e" is generally called "Obon", an memorial service for ancestors.
This event combines the story of Mokuren, one of the ten great disciples of Shakyamuni Buddha, donating food to a monk in order to save his mother who was suffering in the Hungry Ghost realm, with a ceremony to honor ancestors, to create an event to welcome and honor ancestors.
At Shinkyu-ji, "Osegaki" is also held along with the Urabon-e.
In Buddhism, it is said that some people become "Gaki" after death due to bad behavior in their lives and suffer from hunger and thirst.
"Osegaki" is a ceremony to giving and offering to "Gaki".
However, it is not performed in the Jodo-Shinshu Buddhism among the major denominations.
Anyone can participate, so please visit Shinkyu-ji temple if you have time.