①8日12:00~ 御詠歌奉詠
13:00~ 開運大黒天年祭
②18日13:00~ 観音護摩供法要
③20日13:00~ 当山歴代先師忌(せんじき)
④28日13:00~ 不動尊護摩供法要
July schedule:
①8th -- "Goeika" and annual Daikokuten Goma rite
Goeika starts at 12:00pm at the Kongoukaku hall.
"Goeika" is a Buddhist pilgrim's hymn.
Goma starts at 1:00pm at the main hall.
②18th -- Kannon Goma rite
Goma starts at 1:00pm at the Rokkakudo hall.
“Goma” is a Ritual, that priest burn the small pieces of wooden boards written wishes on then and pray for their fulfillment.
③20th -- "Senjiki"
It's a memorial service for the Shinkyu-ji temple's second chief priest.
④28th -- Fudō Myōō rite
Goma starts at 1:00pm at the main hall.
Anyone can join, so please come to our temple.